
The Table
Rules of the games


To play the game first must be registered, then log in. All three games use similar environment and the same nick and password to log in.


The registration is also valid for both games. Some personal data is required.
Nick name
One word, min 3, max 8 characters.
It should start with capital letter.
Real name
It may contain spaces.
It may not contain spaces.
Confirm password
Same as password.
Email address
Valid email address


Nick name
The registered nick.
The valid password.
To enter the game
Change password
Only if valid password is given.
Displays instructions and rules.
The earlier played sessions' hands can be retrieved even if the session was not finished.
The archives are also available before and after login.

The Table

This is the main page of the game. The left side is the board where the played cards and the player's cards are shown. The right side is for sending and receiving messages and (when needed) the bidding also can be done here.
The help is available by clicking the game title.
Press Exit to leave the table.
Press Session to start a new session. The game-master can start a new session any time (for other players this button is disabled).
When the session starts the players are seated randomly.
Press Results to see the current scores in a new window..
Last Deal
Press Last Deal to see complete deal of the previous round in a new window.
Last Trick
Press Last Trick to see the last trick. The button returns the current trick.
The clock appears at the right upper corner of the table. The session consists of rounds (King 40, Rikiki 28, Gurka usually 7, but in extreme cases 3-36) and each round has a time limit of 10 minutes. The round must be finished in the time limit otherwise the table is closed and the round can be replayed with new deal.
Clicking the button the text in the input box will be sent to all at the table (not only to the players but to the kibitzes too).
(ENTER after the text also sends the message.)
The received messages will appear in the text area under the input box.
**** The server messages also appear in the text area starting with ****.
The button deletes all messages from the text area.
To play a card drag (or just click) the card and click . Before click the card can be changed by an other dragging (or clicking). Double clicking the card also works but the played card cannot be changed anymore.
If it is checked a beep will notice the player on his turn (i.e. when others are waiting for him).



Each game has specific rules. The King game can be played on three different tables at the same time, but Rikiki and Gurka can only be played on one table at a time. King and Rikiki need four players. Gurka can be played by 1-6 players, the missing ones are replaced by robots.

Rules of the King Game

After a successful login the user enters the lobby where the tables and the players (if any) at the tables are listed.
To join one of the tables just click the appropriate button. If four players are joined to one of the tables, the game starts. No kibitzers are allowed.
More tables can be in play at the same time.
Play on
Unfinished sessions can be continue, but only the first player has this option.
When a session is resumed the original players are automatically seated in order.

The Pack

The game is played with a 36 card pack. The pack contains 9 cards (AKQJT9876) of each colors (club, diamond, spade, heart). The lowest card in each color is the six, the highest is the ace. The game is played by four players. At deal, each player receives nine cards at random. The game is played clockwise.

The Play

The session consists of 40 rounds, so every player ten times becomes the dealer. Always the dealer starts the round and the next round the next player became the dealer. The dealer first bids (i.e. selects what kind of game he is going to play) then leads to the first trick. The round finished at trick 8, the 9th trick is auto played. The negative games are finished if all points are claimed or when no more special card (e.g. all four jack is out in No Jacks game).
To choose the kind of game select one of the options. The bidding box is shown (when needed) under the message area.
At positive games the trump also must be selected. The bid can be changed before playing the first lead.
It is recommended to check out the upper right corner of the board before leading whether the desired kind of game is written.
In negative games the players can make an offer to collect some points. On the first two tricks the offer can be any part of the total points, but later only all of the points left can be claimed.
After bidding the dealer leads to the first trick. The play proceeds clockwise. The other three players in turn must play a card of the same suit that the leader played (if possible). A player with no card of the suit led may play any card (except at "No King" or "Neg Jar" if he has the king). A trick consists of four cards, one from each player, and is won by the highest card of the suit led, or by the highest trump (in trump play). The winner of a trick leads to the next trick.

Kind of Games

There are "negative", "positive" and "Jar" games. In "negative" and "Jar" games each player makes his own individual score based on the tricks he won. In "positive" games the dealer is against the other three player and the scoring is done accordingly (the others collect the same score irrespectively of who won the tricks).

Negative Games

In each round 36 negative point is distributed among the players.
No Tricks
Each trick is bad. (4 point/trick)
No Hearts
Each heart is bad. (4 point/heart)
Hearts cannot be led until other suit is in hand.
No Queens
Each queen is bad. (9 point/queen)
No Jacks
Each jack is bad. (9 point/jack)
No Last Two
The last two tricks are bad. (18 point/trick)
No King
The king of hearts is bad. (36 point)
Hearts cannot be led until other suit is in hand.
The first lead cannot be a singleton if the dealer has the king of hearts.
The king must be dropped at the first opportunity.

Jar Games

In each round 216 point is divided among the players either negative or positive.
The sum of the Jar games are zero.
Neg Jar
All the six negative games simultaneously (216=6*36 negative points in one round)
Hearts cannot be led until other suit is in hand.
The first lead cannot be a singleton if the dealer has the king of hearts.
The king must be dropped at the first opportunity.
Poz Jar
The same as "Neg Jar" but the collected points (216) are positive.
Hearts cannot be led until other suit is in hand (but no need to drop the king of hearts).
In the final scoring the Jars are weighted four times lower then the others.

Positive Games

In positive games the dealer may choose trump, no trump or "Miser". Each trick counts 12 points to the winner of the trick (if the dealer takes the trick he collects 12 points, if the opponents they collect 4-4 each irrespectively of who won the tricks).
Trump games
The dealer decides the trump suit (club, diamond, spade, heart).
A trick containing a trump is won by the hand playing the highest trump. A trick not containing a trump is won by the hand playing the highest card of the suit led. If a player has no card of the suit led may play any card, no need to trump. The winner of each trick leads next.
No trump game
The dealer may choose no trump.
The same rules as in trump games but without trump.
Miser game
The dealer may choose Miser.
Miser is a no trump game but the card values are in reverse order (i.e. six is the highest and the ace is the lowest of the suit).
The total of two positive and the six negative games are zero.


In each round the players collect points. The total of the round (negative 36, positive 108, Jar 216) is divided among the player based on the tricks they won. The collected points of the negative and positive games are multiplied by four and added to the results of Jar games. This will provide the final score.

Rules of the Rikiki Game

After a successful login the user enters immediately to the table and seated at the first empty seat.
The first four players will play the other joiners can be only kibitzers.
Only one table can be in play at the same time.
Start the session
The game-master (the who first join the table) can start the session.
Unfinished sessions with the same players can be continue too, by pressing button.
When a session is resumed the original players are automatically seated as they were sitting originally.

The Pack

The game is played with a 52 card pack. The pack contains 13 cards (AKQJT98765432) of each colors (club, diamond, spade, heart). The lowest card in each color is the deuce, the highest is the ace. The game is played by four players. The game is played clockwise. The number of cards dealt changes each round. There are 24 (the first and last 12) rounds trump games and 4 no trump games in the middle. In the first round there is 1 card per player, 2 in the second, 3 in the third and so forth, up to 12, then comes 4 no trump, then again trump games downwards 12, 11, ...2, 1 card per player.
In trump games, after everyone has received the sufficient number of cards, the next card will be the trump, the rest of the pack is set aside and does not play at that round.

The Play

The session consists of 28 rounds, so every player seven times becomes the dealer. Always the dealer starts the round and the next round the next player became the dealer. The dealer first bids (i.e. declares how many tricks he is going to take) then leads to the first trick. The round finished at the last but one trick, since the last trick is auto played.
After bidding the dealer leads to the first trick. The play proceeds clockwise. The other three players in turn must play a card of the same suit that the leader played (if possible). A player with no card of the suit led may play any other cards. A trick consists of four cards, one from each player, and is won by the highest card of the suit led, or by the highest trump (if trump in the trick). The winner of a trick leads to the next trick.
The dealer has to bid first, i.e. declares how many tricks he is going to take. Then the next player bids and so on. The last bidder (if the number of cards is greater than 4) may only bid a number of tricks in such a way that the total number of tricks bidden cannot be equal to the number of cards dealt (so someone has to fall and only in the first and last 4 rounds can happen that everyone succeed).


A player who make exactly as many tricks as he bid, gets 10 points plus twice the number of his tricks. So for example if he made 2 tricks he would get 14 points. However if he made more or less tricks than he bid he would get negative points equal to twice the difference. So for example, if he bid 3, however only managed to make 1, he would get -4 points. (Also -4 if he made 5 tricks.)
Bonus points
Bonus can be awarded for special achievements:
20 points
For 10 successes in row.
20 points
For 10 falls in row.
10 points
For all 4 no trump success.
20 points
For less then 9 falls in the session.
The bonus will be credited as soon as it is fulfilled.


Rules of the Gurka Game

Gurka is a north European card game of Swedish origin (Danish: Agurk, Swedish: Gurka, English: Cucumber). The goal of the game is to avoid taking the last trick.
After a successful login the user enters immediately to the table and seated at the first empty seat. The first six players will play the other joiners can be only kibitzers. If 4 or less players have joined the table, there will be 4 seats, otherwise there will be 6 seats at the table. The missing players are replaced by robots.
Only one table can be in play at the same time.
Start the session
The game-master (the who first join the table) can start the session.
Unfinished sessions with the same players can be continue too, by pressing button.
When a session is resumed the original players are automatically seated as they were sitting originally.

The Pack

The game is played with a 52 card pack. The pack contains 13 cards (AKQJT98765432) of each colors (club, diamond, spade, heart). The lowest card in each color is the deuce, the highest is the ace. The game is played by four or six players. The game is played clockwise. Suits are irrelevant.

The Play

Each player receives seven cards and all remaining cards are set aside. The dealer leads to the first trick and everyone may either head the trick or play their lowest card. To head the trick means: playing a card of a higher or equal rank (suits are irrelevant). If a player cannot or do not want to head the trick, he must play his lowest card. The winner of a trick leads to the next trick.
Aces have a special role. After an Ace is taken, the lowest card must be played, even if by players who hold an Ace themselves.


In the last trick, the players (one or more) with the highest card score the due penalty points. The other players score zero. The losers score penalty points based on the value of their last card. With numerals scoring their face value, and the others scoring as follows: Jack 11, Queen 12, King, 13 and Ace 14. The round finished at the last but one trick, since the last trick is auto played.
After each round the scores are added up. If any player scores more than 30 points in total, the session is over. The player with the most points is the loser.